API Reference

How to use the Beauhurst APIs effectively and efficiently

Rate limits

Our APIs all have rate limits applied of one request per second to protect the performance and security of the platform.

We also limit the number of responses per page to 100. You can use the offset parameter make requests to see the following pages of results.

Error handling

If you do not receive a successful 200 response we use standard error responses to help show why the request has not been successful.

401 Unauthorised

A 401 status code is returned when the request lacks valid authentication credentials.

Make sure you are using the correct API key in the header and try again.

403 Forbidden

A 403 status code is returned when you do not have permission to access that request. This could be due to trying to use an API that isn't available on your subscription.

Check which APIs you have access to through your subscription. If you want access to more APIs contact your Account Manager who can help set this up.

404 Not found

A 404 status code is returned when what you are trying to access could not be found. This could be due to an incorrect URL request.

Check that you are making the correct request as described in these documents before trying again

405 Not allowed

A 405 status code can be returned if you are using an unsupported method, such as using POST rather than GET.

To resolve this, check that you are using only GET requests to call the API endpoints.

422 Invalid or missing data

A 422 status code can be returned when the request is missing or has invalid parameters. For example a required field may be missing from the request or the data provided is in the wrong format.

To resolve this, check with the documentation to example request formats and required parameters.

429 Too many requests

A 429 status code can be returned when the rate limit of the API has been exceeded.

The rate limit for our APIs is one request per second. To resolve this, check that you are not exceeding the rate limits and adjust your request frequency to comply with the API requirements.