API Reference

Find key information on key people


Use the People API to find detailed information on the people you are interested in. See their key positions, directorships and shareholdings as well as their contact information

Key details

  • Use your Beauhurst API Key to authenticate your requests
  • Use a Collection ID or a list of People IDs to get detailed people information
  • Include the values that are important such as their directorships and shareholdings
  • Use the modified_since parameter to automatically get updates on any changes


sort string

Which field to use when ordering the results

limit integer

Number of results to return per page

offset integer

The initial index from which to return the results

includes array

Include the following in the response

  • id
  • Beauhurst URL
  • Basic details
  • Contact information
  • Current shareholdings
  • Directorships
  • Secretary positions
  • Company positions
  • Fund positions

collection_id string

Use a Collection ID to return the people in the collection created

person_ids array

List of Beauhurst People IDs for the people you want data for

modified_since string

Return data updated since the date and time entered (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

The People object

id string

Beauhurst unique identifier for the person

beauhurst_url string

Beauhurst URL for the person

basic_details object

The basic details of the person

Field nameData typeDescription
namestringFull name
agestringCurrent age of the person
nationalityarrayList of nationalities
country_of_residencearrayList of countries of residence

contact_information object

Contact information for the person

Field nameData typeDescription
email_addresses arrayarrayList of email addresses
linkedin_url stringstringLinkedIn URL

current_shareholdings array of objects

List of current shareholdings of the person

Field nameData typeDescription
company_idstringUnique Beauhurst ID for the company
company_namestringCompany name
share_classstringShare class
percentage_ownednumberPercentage owned
estimated_valueintegerEstimated value of shareholdings

directorships array of objects

List of directorships

Field nameData typeDescription
company_idstringUnique Beauhurst ID for the company
company_namestringCompany name
emailstringDirector email
from_datestringDirectorship start date YYYY-MM-DD
until_datestringDirectorship end date YYYY-MM-DD

secretary_positions array of objects

List of secretary positions

Field nameData typeDescription
company_idstringUnique Beauhurst ID for the company
company_namestringCompany name
emailstringSecretary email
from_datestringPosition start date YYYY-MM-DD
until_datestringPosition end date YYYY-MM-DD

company_positions array of objects

List of company positions

Field nameData typeDescription
company_idstringUnique Beauhurst ID for the company
company_namestringCompany name
emailstringCompany email
from_datestringPosition start date YYYY-MM-DD
until_datestringPosition end date YYYY-MM-DD

fund_positions array of objects

List of fund positions

Field nameData typeDescription
fund_idstringUnique Beauhurst ID for the fund
fund_namestringFund name
emailstringFund email
currently_activebooleanIf this person is currently at the fund