API Reference

Search for Companies


Search by name, website, Companies House ID or the Beauhurst ID to get in depth data on that company

Key details

  • Use your Beauhurst API Key to authorise your request
  • Search for companies to return the Beauhurst Company ID and use this in the Companies, Company News or Transactions APIs to get detailed data
  • Use the modified since parameter to see which companies have been updated since your chosen date


sort string

Sort by name, companies_house_id, registration_date or last_modified_date to order the results

limit integer

Number of results to return per page

offset integer

The initial index from which to return the results

collection_id string

Use a Collection ID to return the companies within that collection

modified_since string

Return companies updated since the date and time entered (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)

companies_house_ids array

List of Companies House IDs

names array

List of names of companies

company_ids array

List of Beauhurst Company IDs

websites array

List of websites

fitler_type string

Define if you want the search to be exact or partial


Return a list of Beauhurst Company IDs

id string