API Reference


Our powerful algorithm scans the web for news related to the companies we track, and our News endpoint allows you to access these articles remotely, automating your news feed.

Key details

  • Use your Company News API Key to authorise your request
  • You can make up to one request per second per API key (averaged over 35 seconds)
  • Search with an array of Companies House IDs of the companies you are interested in
  • Use the since parameter to return recent news to automatically keep up to date with new articles


limit integer

Number of results to return per page

offset integer

The initial index from which to return the results

chids array

List of Companies House IDs

since string

Return news published since the date provided in YYYY-MM-DD

News object

chids array

List of Companies House IDs for companies mentioned in the article

headline string

News headline

source string

Source of news article URL

source_title string

Name of news source

date string

Date of publication in YYYY-MM-DD format

behind_paywall boolean

If the article is behind a paywall